Pre-Baccalaureate Program
The Pre-Baccalaureate Program is
another unique opportunity for Buckswoodians to prepare 10th, 11th, and 12th
grade students for both university and professional life in Georgia and abroad.

The components of the program
• Practical training course -
writing a CV-Resume, writing a cover letter, simulating a job interview,
effective communication and presentation techniques, leadership,
entrepreneurial skills (Start-Up Club), etc .;
• Professional choice support –
research of different professions, orientation session in a partner
organization, meetings with successful people;
• Creating a professional
portfolio - initiating, implementing, engaging in social, entrepreneurial and
charitable projects;
• Personal counselor (College
Counseling)- Advising on universities and undergraduate programs, organizing
the application process, assisting in the preparation of university
For further information, please
contact the Head of the Pre-Baccalaureate Program, Mr. Murtaz Takalandze at: pbp@buckswood.ge.