Preschool Center
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Preschool Center

The goal of Buckswood preschool program is to develop the skills that will help our little ones adapt to the school's academic and social processes.

The duration of preschool day - 9:30 am to 4:45 pm.

The program includes age-appropriate cognitive, sports and art activities and lessons: drawing, sculpting, music, ethics, fairy-tale lessons, gymnastics, fun sports game, alphabet games, fun numbers (Introduction to Mathematics), English speaking basics, mini-hiking in Buckswood Forest and thematic excursions outside of school.

Our preschool team covers all the competencies and characteristics that this age group needs - care, child psychology, knowledge of age characteristics, pedagogy, diagnosing basic needs, effective communication and conflict management, etc.

Preschool Center
Preschool Center

Each group, which includes 20 little Buckswoodians, has 2 tutors. They spend the whole day with the kids and ensure maximum involvement of each of them in all activities.

The center's program provides three meals a day and transportation "from home to home".

To register, please visit this link:

For further information, please contact the Head of Preschool and Primary Education, Mrs. Ketevan Mamaladze at e-mail: