Prep Time
Buckswood school day lasts from
9:30 am to 4:45 pm, which is divided in the following way: lessons end at 3:00 pm and the rest 1 hour and 45
minutes students have a so-called „Prep Time”.
During this period, Buckswood students prepare homework for the next day under
the supervision of a tutor, housemaster or teacher.
In addition, they have an
alternative to complete these assignments at home, in whole or in part, and to
devote the prep time to their favorite club, extra-curricular or house
activities, or take advantage of an extra consulting hour with a specific
subject teacher. Twice a week - Tuesdays and Thursdays, Buckswoodians also have
an option of leaving the school as soon as lessons are over (3pm), and using
that period for other personal purposes.